Life Inside Paris Lockdown
My world now, my Paris courtyard
Day 4: After the initial shutdown shocks, then euphoric determination to make the best of confinement for the common good…Ups and downs. Reality started setting in yesterday. Huge drop in energy, didn’t even leave the building for food. Did cross the courtyard, did water and deadhead plants in the sun, did get some writing and cooking done, did FaceTime with US loved ones and exchange on Internet, but all in slomo. Relief at news that we could go out for exercise with our signed form was replaced by damper of learning we have to stay within a certain perimeter and can be fined if it looks like we’re “just walking.”
Plan to go out to pharmacy and food stores later. This now qualifies as a “big walk.”
Thank you Kim Powell (photographer, activist, and head of Community Outreach for the American Cathedral in Paris) for this just now:
6 quarantine questions to ask ourselves every day:
- What am I grateful for today?
- Who am I checking in on or connecting with today?
- What expectation of “normal” am I letting go of today?
- How am I getting outside today?
- How am I moving my body today?
- What beauty am I creating, cultivating or inviting in today?
Some of my answers…
Grateful for and connecting with–family:
Letting go of all expectations of “normal”–time:
(Courtesy of Draeger calendars)
How I’m getting outside today and moving my body–on my street (and with some indoor stretches):
What beauty I’m cultivating today:
To be continued, with some uplifting stuff from here and there…
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xxxxxx Aliss