Paris/COVID: March 2021 Tears
This month my family became one of millions to lose a loved one during the pandemic. Ruth, our beautiful mother, grandmother, aunt, and friend left us on March 12, 2021. She survived COVID and lived to be vaccinated but nine months of isolation had already taken a toll and certainly accelerated her decline.
We have much to be grateful for! Her long life and resilience, a festive lunch at home on Saturday March 6th, surrounded by loving family for her first meeting with her newest great grand child…countless holidays and birthday celebrations, laughter, pictures, mementos, art. Since December 4th she was in a more intimate living arrangement 5 minutes from my sister, who visited every other day, took her out shopping and meals. They celebrated Christmas together.
During the nine-month lockdown, I worried and called her every day. Sometimes she said she felt like a prisoner, but more often she said how grateful she was to be alive and in a comfortable environment. Sometimes our talks were long, sometimes just a few minutes. Her short term memory was impaired but her listening skills and empathy were phenomenal. I kept her updated on my good moments and challenges. She asked lots of questions, still full of good advice about health issues and relationships. She was my constant source of encouragement and perspective. All that time I thought I was supporting her. Now I see that she was supporting me.
I’m thankful I was able to spend 4 weeks in the US over the summer and visit her 7 times. We touched finger tips through a wire screen and said “I love you” over and over.
I almost got through the day today with no tears.
Ethel Ruth Getting Pearson
Originally published at on March 31, 2021.